Two of our female pilots from BLACK EAGLE FORCE: Sacred Mountain, pilot Jill "Lucky" McElheney and WSO Maria "Double D" Sanchez in front of their M600/A Black Eagle.
Passage from Chapter 1 of BLACK EAGLE FORCE: Sacred Mountain.
The M600/A Skycar®—a four nacelle VTO craft manufactured by Moller International, had been modified extensively starting with ultra high tech avionics and a stealth coating of multiple layers of a radar absorbing type of Teflon like the F-117 Nighthawk. The coating had a major difference, however, its final layer was a new clear photovoltaic, color spectrum frequency modulating adaptive coating containing chromatophores. The coating could, when electronically activated, adapt its color almost instantly to match its surroundings like a chameleon. The sensors covering the entire skin area of the craft detected the ambient light spectrum and controlled the chromatophores on the opposite
side of the craft. It gave the illusion that the aircraft was almost transparent."