Excerpt from our sequel to the best selling "The Nations", "Haunted Falls". Chapt. 5 with "Boy" the white spirit wolf. Due out, early summer. At this writing, we are a little over 30,000 words into our projected 100,000 word novel.
"What 'n hell 'er you an' Sixkiller doin' here, Ashalatubbi?" asked the sheriff as they came through the gate.
"We were goin' to ask you the same question, Cobb."
"Well, if'n it's any of yer business, I'm fixin' to arrest this woman fer murder…three counts."
"Not likely," said Ben Sixkiller.
"Angie O'Reilly's husband half Chickasaw. This is Chickasaw Nation. She is under Chickasaw protection…You are out of your jurisdiction," said the older Indian.
"The hell you say! This woman killed three white men. I'm takin' her in, and that's a fact." He turned back toward Angie and drew his six-gun. Instantly, there was a blur of white as the wolf dog reacted, followed by a scream of pain as Boy latched on to his wrist, The sound of a sickening crack resonated above the growl coming from deep in the animal's throat. Cobb's Colt dropped to the ground from his useless fingers. "Get 'im off! Fer God's sake, git 'im off!"
"Boy, that would be enough, thank you," she said.
The big dog glanced up at her, then back at the sheriff now on his knees in pain, and turned loose of his wrist. He backed up and sat down beside Angie again and looked up at her as if to ask, "Did I do good?"
The sheriff remained on his knees, his left hand wrapped around his wrist with blood oozing out between his fingers. He stared at Ashalatubbi and Sixkiller. "God damned you redhides, this won't stand…guarandamntee you that."
Ben slowly levered a round into the chamber of his new '94 Winchester. "Mebbe I kill you now for trespass on 'redhide' land…Sheriff."
Kyle and Horace walked up.
"What's goin' on, Sheriff…'er you wounded?" asked Kyle.
"Damn dog tried to kill me."
"Looky what we found."
Kyle held up a stick of dynamite and Horace held up the burned out torch.
"Found this dynamite over next to the barn and Horace found that there torch next to Ox's body…Had his head caved in, wadn't shot. Didja know that?…Uh, Ox that is, not Horace…he's right here," reported deputy Kyle.
"Just shut yer pie hole, Kyle…an' keep it shut," the sheriff grumbled.

"What 'n hell 'er you an' Sixkiller doin' here, Ashalatubbi?" asked the sheriff as they came through the gate.
"We were goin' to ask you the same question, Cobb."
"Well, if'n it's any of yer business, I'm fixin' to arrest this woman fer murder…three counts."
"Not likely," said Ben Sixkiller.
"Angie O'Reilly's husband half Chickasaw. This is Chickasaw Nation. She is under Chickasaw protection…You are out of your jurisdiction," said the older Indian.
"The hell you say! This woman killed three white men. I'm takin' her in, and that's a fact." He turned back toward Angie and drew his six-gun. Instantly, there was a blur of white as the wolf dog reacted, followed by a scream of pain as Boy latched on to his wrist, The sound of a sickening crack resonated above the growl coming from deep in the animal's throat. Cobb's Colt dropped to the ground from his useless fingers. "Get 'im off! Fer God's sake, git 'im off!"
"Boy, that would be enough, thank you," she said.
The big dog glanced up at her, then back at the sheriff now on his knees in pain, and turned loose of his wrist. He backed up and sat down beside Angie again and looked up at her as if to ask, "Did I do good?"
The sheriff remained on his knees, his left hand wrapped around his wrist with blood oozing out between his fingers. He stared at Ashalatubbi and Sixkiller. "God damned you redhides, this won't stand…guarandamntee you that."
Ben slowly levered a round into the chamber of his new '94 Winchester. "Mebbe I kill you now for trespass on 'redhide' land…Sheriff."
Kyle and Horace walked up.
"What's goin' on, Sheriff…'er you wounded?" asked Kyle.
"Damn dog tried to kill me."
"Looky what we found."
Kyle held up a stick of dynamite and Horace held up the burned out torch.
"Found this dynamite over next to the barn and Horace found that there torch next to Ox's body…Had his head caved in, wadn't shot. Didja know that?…Uh, Ox that is, not Horace…he's right here," reported deputy Kyle.
"Just shut yer pie hole, Kyle…an' keep it shut," the sheriff grumbled.
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