Excerpt from Chapt. 8, HAUNTED FALLS. Sequel to THE NATIONS.
"Angie, we appreciate your hospitality," said Ben Sixkiller as he and Winchester started down the steps of the front porch.
"Hank, it's my considered opinion, both as a medical doctor and a Chickasaw shaman, that those images you saw and told us about were fragments of your memories…"
"But, my father and Montford talked like they knowed what wuz gonna happen and wouldn't tell me 'zackly what. Now why is that?"
"Your mind is not ready to know some things, my son. It's still healing. That's why there remains a veil between you and your past…You must be patient."
"Ain't sure patience wuz ever one of my long suits, shaman…Don't seem like it anyways."
"Maybe it's Ababinili's way of teaching you maturity."
"What about Anna?"
"There will be a time for her also. It is you she wants to find her. That is why the Great Spirit sent Nashoba Tohbi to you when you came into the Chickasaw Nation. It is ever his way in his infinite wisdom to work wonders and miracles to perform."
"Wondered 'bout that…I remembered after I come out of the lodge 'bout how him an' me hooked up…Woke up one mornin' in my camp 'fore gittin' to Montford's house, an' there he was, lying beside me. Like to scare't me to half-to-death to come out of a sound sleep an' have a wolf starin' me right in the face…an' a white one at that. Then he licked me right across my mouth…Didn't know if'n he was jest taste testin' 'er what till he pushed his nose under my hand fer me to pet 'im…Figgered it was kinda an order, ya know? Them golden eyes jest seem to talk…"
"There is no question, he's the link to the spirit world."
"The Nashoba Tohbi is the totem of our clan of the Chickasaw. Angie's husband, Towana, was my cousin. His mother, Te Ata, or Bearer of the Morning, was revered priestess and great storyteller of our people," added Ben.
"Ain't real sure I'm the right person…or kin live up to all this that seems to be 'spected of me…" Hank shook his head and looked off to the creek.
"Think we give you Chickasaw name. Oka'-bia-Lawa, he who talks with the water," said Ben.
"Don't need another trip to that sweat lodge, do I?"
"We see. Leave lodge here for a while," Ben said with a grin.
"Cain't wait."
Anompoli Lawa and Sixkiller headed to their horses tied to the fence outside the gate. The shaman turned back to Angie and Hank as they reached the gate. "We do not choose, Oka'-bia-Lawa…we are chosen."
Black Eagle Force: Return of the Starfighter
Buck Stienke and Ken Farmer
Timber Creek Press
312 N Commerce St.
Gainesville, TX 76240
9780984882038, $16.95, www.tinyurl.com/Starf01
In Return of the Starfighter, authored by Buck Stienke and Ken Farmer, The Black Eagle Force is called in to another action thriller mission. This time they are called on to save the country from the invasion of a group of rogue Chinese.
"So, you are saying, Admiral, that while we have been busy trying to stamp out brush fires around the world, China has been preparing a non-nuclear first strike capability that could overwhelm us? Is one ultra-super carrier group that significant? Is it possible that you are exaggerating somewhat?"
To accomplish this, the "Old Iron" (retired, but usable aircraft) is retooled and brought out of mothballs. Led by General Jack Stewart, a force of older and retired men from all the services are called in to fly in this new/old squadron. Then, the BEF is called in .... Since we know that the BEF is invincible, there is no reason to go into any details, just suffice it to say that the action is exciting and not predictable, as is the wont of Mr. Farmer and Mr. Steinke. This is another great read for everyone.
In this, the third of the BEF novels by Ken Farmer and Buck Steinke, we again meet with old friends of the BEF, Dare, Blaze, Mickey, Jill and Gunter Hermann who is now married to the President of the United States as well as other familiar air warriors. Do they all survive the turmoil in which they find themselves? No spoilers here, folks.
Often, by the time an author gets to the third (or even the second) in a series, they have run out of new scenarios to make a believable storyline for us to become enthralled with. Not so with these two bon vivants of military novels. They continue to entertain us and make us believe that a clandestine group such as the BEF is possible. Maybe it is? Who knows - its top secret.
Buck Stienke is a retired captain and fighter pilot for the United States Air Force and a graduate from the Air Force Academy. He was a pilot for Delta Airlines for over 25 years and also executive producer of the award winning film Rockabilly Baby.
Ken Farmer served in the Marine Corps and graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University. Ken has been a professional actor, writer and director with memorable roles in Silverado, Friday Night Lights and Uncommon Valor. He continues to write and direct award-winning films, including Rockabilly Baby. - Katherine Boyer

Hollywood film and TV star, Alex Cord, gives THE NATIONS a 5 Star Review. Alex starred in Stagecoach as the Ringo Kid, Archangel in the TV series, Airwolf and over 77 other films and television shows. Alex is also author of the best selling novel, Feather in the Rain. Look for his newest soon. Days of the Harbinger.
Five Star Review for "The Nations" by film/TV star, Alex Cord.
From the first page, you are transported to another time and place. Ken Farmer and Buck Stienke put you on the street. You see and smell the dust wafting off the slapped coat and sense danger immediately. The whole book is rich with knowledgeable authenticity. The language, the weapons, the equipment, all ring true. These writers plunge you into the colorful reality of a fast-moving tale, packed with genuine human emotions, fierce anger, tender affection, vengeance, and retribution. Villains abound, so vile, you want to see them fed to lions.
A fresh, intriguing, look at former slaves serving as U.S. Marshals enforcing the law after the war. A big tough, black bear of a man reveals a caring heart as he offers his home and family to a white boy and his sister orphaned by violence. An unexpected surprise in the touching depth of a relationship between a dying outlaw and the Marshal who kills him. Great dialogue. Action packed, blood and guts aplenty. With admirable skill, the authors blend violence and tenderness to move the reader to care about the characters. You’ll meet, You'll meet the faithful and loyal 'Boot,' who reminds me of my dog, 'Dallas,' and then there are the people, Bass Reeves, Molly Allgood, Tobe Bassett, Lyman Pusley and charming Ben Larson, and when you get to the end you’ll be like me, looking for the sequel.
Happy page turning.
Alex Cord