Sunday, March 17, 2013

Excerpt from "HAUNTED FALLS".

Excerpt from Chapt. 8, HAUNTED FALLS. Sequel to THE NATIONS.

"Angie, we appreciate your hospitality," said Ben Sixkiller as he and Winchester started down the steps of the front porch.
"Hank, it's my considered opinion, both as a medical doctor and a Chickasaw shaman, that those images you saw and told us about were fragments of your memories…"
"But, my father and Montford talked like they knowed what wuz gonna happen and wouldn't tell me 'zackly what. Now why is that?"
"Your mind is not ready to know some things, my son. It's still healing. That's why there remains a veil between you and your past…You must be patient."
"Ain't sure patience wuz ever one of my long suits, shaman…Don't seem like it anyways."
"Maybe it's Ababinili's way of teaching you maturity."
"What about Anna?"
"There will be a time for her also. It is you she wants to find her. That is why the Great Spirit sent Nashoba Tohbi to you when you came into the Chickasaw Nation. It is ever his way in his infinite wisdom to work wonders and miracles to perform."
"Wondered 'bout that…I remembered after I come out of the lodge 'bout how him an' me hooked up…Woke up one mornin' in my camp 'fore gittin' to Montford's house, an' there he was, lying beside me. Like to scare't me to half-to-death to come out of a sound sleep an' have a wolf starin' me right in the face…an' a white one at that. Then he licked me right across my mouth…Didn't know if'n he was jest taste testin' 'er what till he pushed his nose under my hand fer me to pet 'im…Figgered it was kinda an order, ya know? Them golden eyes jest seem to talk…"
"There is no question, he's the link to the spirit world."
"The Nashoba Tohbi is the totem of our clan of the Chickasaw. Angie's husband, Towana, was my cousin. His mother, Te Ata, or Bearer of the Morning, was revered priestess and great storyteller of our people," added Ben. 
"Ain't real sure I'm the right person…or kin live up to all this that seems to be 'spected of me…" Hank shook his head and looked off to the creek.
"Think we give you Chickasaw name. Oka'-bia-Lawa, he who talks with the water," said Ben.
"Don't need another trip to that sweat lodge, do I?"
"We see. Leave lodge here for a while," Ben said with a grin.
"Cain't wait."
Anompoli Lawa and Sixkiller headed to their horses tied to the fence outside the gate. The shaman turned back to Angie and Hank as they reached the gate. "We do not choose, Oka'-bia-Lawa…we are chosen."

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