"You think one got away?"
"Unlikely. There was a mess of blood down by the creek. Seen some big tracks there that dang sure weren't human…Wasn't no cat, neither. Musta been a wolf."
"That's odd…Lone wolf sticking around here with all this commotion goin' on? Better keep our eyes open, boys."
"I'm heading up to the north end of the valley to pick up my horse and see if I can catch the one from the Sartain you picked off…still cain't git over that shot," Selden said.
"Jesus, Mary and Joseph…speak of the devil," Bass said as he spotted Tobe coming from the direction of the falls, being trailed by a giant white wolf. He drew his pistol and said softly, "Tobe, freeze right where you are and don't move a muscle." Bass eased his six-shooter to eye level and aimed just past Tobe's elbow.
"No!" Tobe said as he moved over in front of Bass' line of fire and held up his hands. "He's friendly."
Ben was headed back toward the wagon with Kyle's body over his shoulder and took in the scene. "That is Nashoba Tohbi, Jack's wolf-dog, Bass. He is sacred spirit animal. Jack calls him 'Boy'."
"Huh…didn't know Jack had a dog. Didn't have one when he left Fort Smith."
"Mister Jack told us the spirit wolf took up with him when he first hit the Arbuckles. Been with him ever since."
"Why is he a spirit wolf?" asked Loss.
"He sees and communicates with spirits of the dead…All white animals are sacred to the Chickasaw because of this."
"Right," said Loss with a look of non-belief.
"Oh, my sweet Jesus," remarked Tobe as he stared at Ben.
"Seen a little blonde-headed child beside him when I first saw 'em, Bass…leastwise I thought I did…She even talked to me. When I looked again…she was gone. Figured I was dreamin'."
"That would have been Anna. Angie's child that was lost in the falls near two years ago," said Ben.
"Come again?" asked Tobe.
"She is restless spirit…saved Jack's life. He has seen an' talked with her several times…You must be special person too, Tobe Bassett. Only special people are allowed to see the spirits."

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